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Borneo Malaysia

Sabah and Sarawak
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The 'Other' Borneo

Malaysia shares the island of Borneo with two other nations; Brunei and Indonesia.

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.


Forest Wilderness


Culture and History

Malaysia's Borneo is a mosaic of different cultures. A mixture of Malaysia, Chinese and Indigenous tribal cultures, with some British influences (the area was formerly a British colony), Malaysian Borneo offers visitors a unique cultural experience.

A Mother of orangutan  and her little son (few month) at Semenggoh NP in Sarawak Borneo
A Mother of orangutan and her little son (few month) at Semenggoh NP in Sarawak Borneo

Borneo is home to unique wildlife

Orangutangs, clouded leopards, proboscis monkeys, sun bears and pygmy elephants... Malaysia's Borneo is home to some of the most unique animals on the planet. Both Sabah and Sarawak offer opportunities to see these animals in their home environment.


A divers paradise

Located in the state of Sabah, Sipadan Island is one of the top dive sites in the world. Turtles, barracudas, various rays, sharks and a host of other marine life can be viewed by scuba enthusiasts in the waters around Sipadan.